Welcome, to the Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Database. Here you will be able to find and download Chao submitted by other breeders. The Chao are listed in different categories. You can look for them by the breeder or the type of Chao they are (Neutral, Dark, or Hero). If you don't find the certain Chao you would like now, please check back later. We are a new site you know. If you have a Chao you would like to submit, please do.(Look how to below)

Find a Chao

Find by Breeder

      Submitted Chao is how this site is worked. So if you have a good Chao, please submit it.

  • First load the Chao you wish to submit onto a VMU via the Chao Adventure 2 Mini-game
  • Then load your Dreamcast browser
  • Make sure you have an E-mail client loaded on your Dreamcast so you can use the mail option. I use my Yahoo mail.
  • Then send an e-mail to me at with the file called "SONIC2____VM". This will attach a copy of your Chao to the e-mail.
  • In the body of the e-mail write your Chao's name, his type, a brief description, and your name(if you want credit as the breeder). If you don't put in your name, you will be recognized as ???. Also, try to type as many actual words as you can.

  • Main Page | Neutral | Hero Chao | Dark Chao | Breeders | Help

    This is a fan site dedicated to the Sonic Adventure 2 Chao.
    This site is not in any affiliation with Sega or Sonic Team.
    Sonic Adventure 2 it's logo the Chao and other character are copyrighted materials from Sonic Team and Sega.